Young men with prostate cancer: Socioeconomic factors affect lifespan

Prostate cancer is generally viewed as a disease of older men. Yet about 10% of new diagnoses occur in men age 55 or younger, and these early-onset cancers often have a worse prognosis. Biological differences partially explain the discrepancy. For instance, early-onset prostate cancers contain certain genetic abnormalities that don’t appear as often in older […]

Discrimination at work is linked to high blood pressure

Experiencing discrimination in the workplace — where many adults spend one-third of their time, on average — may be harmful to your heart health. A 2023 study in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that people who reported high levels of discrimination on the job were more likely to develop high blood pressure […]

IBD and LGBTQ+: How it can affect sexual health

Everyone who lives with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) knows their illness has a major impact on daily life. Many people are diagnosed in their 20s or 30s, a time when we might hope for few health challenges. Medications, and sometimes surgery, may be used to treat IBD. If you identify as LGBTQ+, you might wonder […]

A hot weather plan is essential to staying healthy

Here’s a new fact about spring, summer, fall, and sometimes even winter, now that climate change has blurred seasonal boundaries: sizzling heat may be on the way, or currently blanketing your community. High temperatures stress the body, leading to thousands of heat-related illnesses and deaths every year in the US. Creating a personal heat plan […]

Mud runs: Dirty, challenging, next-level fun

Remember childhood summers when you climbed monkey bars, swung from ropes, and jumped over streams? Rain just added to the fun, leaving you soaked and muddy. You can relive those adventures by signing up for a mud run. These outdoor team events focus on navigating through military-inspired obstacle courses and getting good and dirty in […]

Ringworm: What to know and do

The first thing to know about ringworm is that there are no worms involved. This generally harmless skin infection is caused by a fungus. The fungus causes a raised rash usually shaped like a ring, almost as if a worm was curled up under the skin (but again: no worms are involved). The medical name […]